
  • en Context-dependent olfactory learning monitored by activities of salivary neurons in cockroaches
    • en Sato Matsumoto, Chihiro
    • en Matsumoto, Yukihisa
    • en Watanabe, Hidehiro
    • en Nishino, Hiroshi
アクセス権 open access
  • Other en Context-dependent learning
  • Other en Nonelemental learning
  • Other en Olfaction
  • Other en Vision
  • Other en Insects
  • Other en Cockroaches
  • NDC 486
  • Abstract en Context-dependent discrimination learning, a sophisticated form of nonelemental associative learning, has been found in many animals, including insects. The major purpose of this research is to establish a method for monitoring this form of nonelemental learning in rigidly restrained insects for investigation of underlying neural mechanisms. We report context-dependent olfactory learning (occasion-setting problem solving) of salivation, which can be monitored as activity changes of salivary neurons in immobilized cockroaches, Periplaneta americana. A group of cockroaches was trained to associate peppermint odor (conditioned stimulus, CS) with sucrose solution reward (unconditioned stimulus, US) while vanilla odor was presented alone without pairing with the US under a flickering light condition (1.0 Hz) and also trained to associate vanilla odor with sucrose reward while peppermint odor was presented alone under a steady light condition. After training, the responses of salivary neurons to the rewarded peppermint odor were significantly greater than those to the unrewarded vanilla odor under steady illumination and those to the rewarded vanilla odor was significantly greater than those to the unrewarded peppermint odor in the presence of flickering light. Similar context-dependent responses were observed in another group of cockroaches trained with the opposite stimulus arrangement. This study demonstrates context-dependent olfactory learning of salivation for the first time in any vertebrate and invertebrate species, which can be monitored by activity changes of salivary neurons in restrained cockroaches.
出版者 en Elsevier
  • eng
資源タイプ journal article
出版タイプ AM
資源識別子 HDL http://hdl.handle.net/2115/48262
  • isVersionOf DOI https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nlm.2011.08.010
    • PISSN 1074-7427
      • en Neurobiology of Learning and Memory
      • 97 1 開始ページ30 終了ページ36
コンテンツ更新日時 2023-07-26