
  • ja 直示と参照の観点から見直す「の」「のだ」「ので」表現について
  • en Reanalysis of Japanese Expressions NO, NODA and NODE from Deictic and Contextual Points of View
アクセス権 open access
  • NDC 361
  • Abstract en In earlier papers (Yamashita [2016a], [2016b] and [2017]), I proposed the need for a deictic and contextual approach in Japanese syntax. In this paper I analyze Noun-“no”-Noun constructions, “noda”-sentences and “node”- expressions. In previous studies these three constructions have been treated separately. In this article, however, I focus on the common function of the Japanese particle “no” which appears in all the constructions: it presupposes a reference point. First of all, when the particle combines two nouns as in N “no” N, the first N functions as a reference point. The particle “no” itself has no specific meaning. Secondly, the “no” of “noda”-sentences presupposes some situation as a reference point. The “noda”-sentence must be uttered based on this reference point. The difference between the following two sentences is that (1) is a sort of deictic sentence and (2) is a contextual sentence with expressed or unexpressed reference. (1) Yamada-kun ga kita. (2) Yamada-kun ga kita-no-da. Finally I analyze “node”-expressions as a variation of a “noda”-sentence. The “node” expression implies the reason for which the main sentence is uttered as a request or queston.
出版者 ja 北海道大学大学院国際広報メディア・観光学院 en Graduate School of International Media, Communication, and Tourism Studies, Hokkaido University
  • jpn
資源タイプ departmental bulletin paper
出版タイプ VoR
資源識別子 HDL http://hdl.handle.net/2115/71728
    • NCID AA1224631X
      • ja 国際広報メディア・観光学ジャーナル en The Journal of International Media, Communication, and Tourism Studies
      • 27 開始ページ143 終了ページ155
コンテンツ更新日時 2023-07-26