
  • en Effects of Atrial Fibrillation on Long-Term Outcomes in Patients Hospitalized for Heart Failure in Japan
    • en Hamaguchi, Sanae
    • en Tsuchihashi-Makaya, Miyuki
    • en Takeshita, Akira
    • en The JCARE-CARD Investigators
アクセス権 metadata only access
  • Other en Atrial fibrillation
  • Other en Heart failure
  • Other en Mortality
  • Other en Outcomes
  • Other en Rehospitalization
  • NDC 490
  • Abstract en Background: Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a common arrhythmia in patients with heart failure (HF), but its prognostic importance is controversial. The effect of AF on long-term outcomes, including mortality and rehospitalization, among unselected HF patients hospitalized with HF in routine clinical practice in Japan was assessed in the present study. Methods and Results: The Japanese Cardiac Registry of Heart Failure in Cardiology (JCARE-CARD) prospectively studied the characteristics and treatment strategies of a broad sample of patients hospitalized with worsening HF and the outcomes were followed with an average of 2.4 years of follow-up. The study cohort (n=2,659) was grouped according to the presence (n=937; 35.2%) or absence (n=1,722; 64.8%) of AF at baseline. After multivariable adjustment, patients with and without AF had a comparable risk for all-cause death (adjusted hazard ratio (HR) 0.931, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.690-1.258, P=0.643), cardiac death (adjusted HR 0.949, 95%CI 0.655-1.377, P=0.784), rehospitalization because of the worsening HF (adjusted HR 1.028, 95%CI 0.816-1.295, P=0.816), and all-cause death or rehospitalization (adjusted HR 1.039, 95%CI 0.842-1.281, P=0.722). Conclusions: Among patients hospitalized for HF in Japan, AF was common, but was not an independent risk for long-term adverse outcomes, including death or rehospitalization, in routine clinical practice. (Circ J 2009; 73: 2084-2090)
出版者 en The Japanese Circulation Society ja 社団法人 日本循環器学会
  • eng
資源タイプ journal article
出版タイプ NA
資源識別子 HDL http://hdl.handle.net/2115/76965
  • isIdenticalTo DOI https://doi.org/10.1253/circj.CJ-09-0316
    • PISSN 1346-9843
    • EISSN 1347-4820
      • en Circulation Journal
      • 73 11 開始ページ2084 終了ページ2090
コンテンツ更新日時 2023-07-26