
  • ja 立山における酸性雨・懸濁粒子観測結果(2014)
  • en Observation reports of acid rain and suspended particles in rain water collected on Mt. Tateyama (2014)
    • ja 朴木, 英治
    • ja 渡辺, 幸一
  • Other 酸性雨
  • Other 陽イオン
  • Other 陰イオン
  • Other 硫酸イオン
  • Other 硝酸イオン
  • Other アンモニウムイオン
  • Other 粒子状物質
  • Other acid rain
  • Other sodium ion
  • Other sulfate ion
  • Other nitrate ion
  • Other ammonium ion
  • Other suspended particles
  • Other 立山における標高別酸性雨観測は2014年で12年目となり,長期変動解析ができるデータセットになりつつある.2014年の観測点は昨年度と同様,桂台~室堂平まで10カ所設定し,補助観測点として科学博物館屋上での降水も比較した.降水量については,7月,8月,10月には富山市内で少なく,立山で多くなる高度効果が見られたが,9月は富山市市街地から天狗平まで降水量変化が少なく,室堂平で若干多くなった.これに対して,海塩成分のナトリウムイオンでは,どの月も観測点標高が高くなるほど濃度が低下する高度効果が観測された.酸性雨の原因成分である非海塩性硫酸イオンと硝酸イオンでは,硝酸イオン濃度の方が観測点標高の高まりに対する濃度の低下が大きかった.降水のpHでは,全般に観測点標高が高くなるほど降水のpHが上昇傾向で,観測点によっては,他の場所よりもpHがかなり高くなる場合が観測され,黄砂の輸送が原因の一つと考えられた.粒子状物質では,2014年も標高1420m観測点で濃度が高まる現象が見られた.
  • Other Concentrations of ion constituents and suspended particles in precipitations were observed at ten observatories of different altitudes on Mt. Tateyama and Toyama city. About the monthly amount of precipitation, two patterns were observed. One pattern was that precipitation did not change with increase in the altitude of observatories. The other was that precipitations were increased with increase in the altitude of observatories. In contrast, so-called altitude effect that concentrations in precipitations decreased with increase in the altitude of observatories was observed in concentrations of sodium ions in every month. Concentrations of non-sea salt sulfate ion in precipitations were lower at Toyama city than that at Katsuradai (660 m a.s.l.) on Mt. Tateyama, though precipitations were lower at Toyama city than that at Katsuradai on Mt. Tateyama. Altitude effects of concentrations of non-sea salt sulfate ions in precipitations were slightly observed at observatories on Mt. Tateyama. Concentration of nitrate ion in precipitations at Toyama city was the highest in July. Concentrations of those were almost same from August to October. Large altitude effects were observed in concentrations of nitrate ions except in September.Concentrations of both ammonium ions and non-sea salt calcium ions in precipitations had large fluctuations. Values of pH of precipitations at Toyama city were ranged from 4.7 to 5.0. At observatories of Mt. Tateyama, there were two patterns were observed. One was that pH values of precipitations at observatories on Mt. Tateyama were about same to that at Toyama city. The other was that pH values were higher at observatories on Mt. Tateyama than that at Toyama city. However, it was observed that the pH values at observatories on Mt. Tateyama had large fluctuations. It was considered that these fluctuations were related to the fluctuations of concentrations of alkali constituents.It was observed that suspended concentrations of black particles and ignition residues were raised at Bijodaira, Takimidai, Kaminokodaira, Kobodaira, Tennguhana and Murododaira.
出版者 富山市科学博物館
    Created2018-10-30 , Issued2015-06-20
  • jpn
資源タイプ departmental bulletin paper
出版タイプ VoR
資源識別子 URI http://repo.tsm.toyama.toyama.jp/?action=repository_uri&item_id=1026
  • isIdenticalTo NAID 120006632421
    • NCID AA12306127
    • ISSN 1882-384X
      • 富山市科学博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the Toyama Science Museum
      • 39 開始ページ69 終了ページ86
コンテンツ更新日時 2022-10-02