
  • en Genetic variation in water-soluble carbohydrate concentration in diverse cultivars of Dactylis glomerata L. during vegetative growth
    • en Sanada, Y.
    • en Takai, T.
Accessrights open access
  • Other en germplasm
  • Other en orchardgrass
  • NDC 616.9
  • Abstract en The water-soluble carbohydrate (WSC) content of Dactylis glomerata L. (cocksfoot) during vegetative growth is lower than that of other temperate grasses. Variation in the WSC content of vegetative growth among cultivars was assessed in order to assess the potential to improve forage quality. There were significant differences among cultivars for WSC content (P<0.01) in all maturity groups. Average WSC content of the late (L) maturity group was higher than that of the early (E) and medium (M) maturity groups. Variation in the WSC content was largest among group L cultivars and smallest in group M. The WSC content of cultivars in groups M and L was consistent across 2 years (interactions between cultivars and years were not significant). Brown stripe infection was shown to reduce WSC content in susceptible cultivars. As a result of multiple regression analysis with WSC content as the dependent variable, dry matter content, heading date, thickness of stems and resistance to brown stripe were selected as independent variables that were correlated with WSC. Therefore, variation for these traits must also be monitored in any program to increase WSC content in orchardgrass.
Publisher en CSIRO Publishing
  • eng
Resource Type journal article
Version Type AM
Identifier HDL
  • isVersionOf DOI
    • PISSN 0004-9409
      • en Australian Journal of Agricultural Research
      • Volume Number55 Issue Number11 Page Start1183 Page End1187
    • fulltext AJAR55-11.pdf
    • 150.39 KB (application/pdf)
      • Issued2004-11-26
Oaidate 2023-07-26