
  • en Metabolism and chemical composition of pelagic decapod shrimps: synthesis toward a global bathymetric model
Accessrights open access
  • Other en ammonia excretion
  • Other en decapods
  • Other en CN composition
  • Other en global-bathymetric model
  • Other en O:N ratio
  • Other en respiration
  • NDC 660
  • Other en The final publication is available at Springer via
  • Abstract en espiration, ammonia excretion and chemical composition data [water content, ash, carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and C:N ratios] of 16–43 pelagic decapods from epipelagic through abyssopelagic zones of the world’s oceans were compiled. For respiration, the independent variables including body dry mass, habitat temperature and sampling depth were all significant predictors of the empirical regression model, whereas the former two variables were significant predictors of the theoretical regression model. For ammonia excretion, body dry mass and habitat temperature were significant predictors of both regression models. Overall, these variables accounted for 68–87 % of the variance in the data. Atomic O:N ratios (respiration:ammonia excretion) ranged from 9.1 to 91 (median 16.4), and no appreciable effects of the three variables were detected. Body composition components were not significantly affected by the three variables, except positive effects of habitat temperature on ash and negative effects of sampling depth on N composition. As judged by C:N ratios, protein was considered to be the major organic component of most pelagic decapods. Some pelagic decapods from >500 m depth exhibited high C:N ratios (8.6–10.2), suggesting a deposition of lipids in the body. Comparison of the present results with global bathymetric models of euphausiids and mysids revealed great similarities among these pelagic crustacean taxa characterized by common behavioral and morphological features such as active swimming, developed compound eyes and respiratory gill organ.
Publisher en Springer
  • eng
Resource Type journal article
Version Type AM
Identifier HDL
  • isVersionOf DOI
    • PISSN 0916-8370
    • EISSN 1573-868X
      • en Journal of Oceanography
      • Volume Number69 Issue Number6 Page Start671 Page End686
Oaidate 2023-07-26