
  • ja 軟口蓋を構成する筋の解剖学
  • en Anatomy of the muscles which construct the soft palate
    • ja 田松, 裕一 en TAMATSU, Yuichi
    • ja 峰, 和治 en MINE, Kazuharu
    • ja 島田, 和幸 en SHIMADA, Kazuyuki
  • Other en musclus uvulae
  • Other en palatoglossus
  • Other en palatopharyngeus
  • Other en levator veli palatini
  • Other en tensor veli palatini
  • Other en The serial movement of mastication and swallowing is produced by delicate cooperation of mouth, pharynx, esophagus and the circumference structures. The aim of this report is to explain about the form of soft palate muscles which is hard to understand but important for dentistry. The posterior margin of soft palate forms an upper wall of isthmus of fauces with the uvula hanging from central part. It relaxes and strains with flexibility and seems to be a sail of a ship, so it is called veli palatini. Soft palate has no lining of bone, but maxillary tuberosity, horizontal plate of palatine bone, pterygoid process of sphenoid bone, temporal bone cone lower part, cartilage of auditory tube are important peripheral structures. Soft palate consists of five muscles. Musculus uvulae elevate the uvula. Palatoglossus and palatopharyngeus originate from lower part than soft palate, and make the wall of fauces. Levator veli palatini and tensor veil palatini originate upper portion than the soft palate, and elevate and strain the soft palate. When they are observed in a mouth, the forms of the schema of these muscles seem to be a spider.
Publisher ja 鹿児島大学 en Kagoshima University
  • jpn
Resource Type departmental bulletin paper
Version Type VoR
Identifier HDL , URI
    • PISSN 03897834
    • NCID AN0035442X
      • ja 鹿児島大学歯学部紀要
      • Volume Number26 Page Start21 Page End26
Oaidate 2024-01-30