total number | fulltext(rate) | number of DOI (rate) |
4,251,076 | 3,262,827 (76.75 %) | 961,383 (22.62 %) |
all data
number of contents by resource type
- 217,427 conference paper
- 24 data paper
- 1,718,763 departmental bulletin paper
- 162 editorial
- 7,266 journal
- 651,641 journal article
- 93 newspaper
- 182 review article
- 104 other periodical
- 237,493 article
- 111,265 book
- 3,127 book part
- 73 cartographic material
- 100 map
- 43,491 conference output
- 6,753 conference presentation
- 228 conference proceedings
- 1,686 conference poster
- 125,548 dataset
- 5,743 image
- 3,016 still image
- 11 moving image
- 521 video
- 352 lecture
- 3,100 report
- 204,132 research report
- 59,833 technical report
- 127 policy report
- 309 working paper
- 4 data management plan
- 8 sound
- 157,251 thesis
- 105 bachelor thesis
- 7,820 master thesis
- 196,690 doctoral thesis
- 12,188 learning object
- 520 manuscript
- 12 musical notation
- 2 research proposal
- 76 software
- 1 technical documentation
- 1 workflow
- 473,828 other
number of contents by accessRights
- 3,038 embargoed access
- 957,203 metadata only access
- 992,050 open access
- 3,965 restricted access
number of contents by object type
- 145,966 abstract
- 35,222 dataset
- 1,770 iiif
- 9 software
- 803,786 fulltext
- 34,720 summary
- 2,442 thumbnail
- 53,094 other
data with fulltext
number of contents by resource type
- 53,081 conference paper
- 21 data paper
- 1,536,436 departmental bulletin paper
- 132 editorial
- 5,796 journal
- 429,069 journal article
- 93 newspaper
- 178 review article
- 11 other periodical
- 109,033 article
- 68,969 book
- 2,782 book part
- 13 cartographic material
- 100 map
- 21,176 conference output
- 586 conference presentation
- 181 conference proceedings
- 446 conference poster
- 124,958 dataset
- 5,731 image
- 2,284 still image
- 9 moving image
- 13 video
- 351 lecture
- 3,083 report
- 113,452 research report
- 54,487 technical report
- 108 policy report
- 306 working paper
- 4 data management plan
- 8 sound
- 103,985 thesis
- 105 bachelor thesis
- 6,893 master thesis
- 195,941 doctoral thesis
- 6,666 learning object
- 520 manuscript
- 12 musical notation
- 2 research proposal
- 62 software
- 1 technical documentation
- 1 workflow
- 415,742 other
number of contents by accessRights
- 2,418 embargoed access
- 41,346 metadata only access
- 979,847 open access
- 1,306 restricted access
number of contents by object type
- 145,966 abstract
- 35,222 dataset
- 1,770 iiif
- 9 software
- 803,785 fulltext
- 34,720 summary
- 2,442 thumbnail
- 53,094 other