
  • en Anemia is an Independent Predictor of Long-Term Adverse Outcomes in Patients Hospitalized With Heart Failure in Japan
    • en Hamaguchi, Sanae
    • en Tsuchihashi-Makaya, Miyuki
    • en Takeshita, Akira
    • en The JCARE-CARD Investigators
Accessrights metadata only access
  • Other en Anemia
  • Other en Heart failure
  • Other en Hemoglobin
  • Other en Mortality
  • Other en Prognosis
  • NDC 490
  • Abstract en Background: Anemia is common in patients with heart failure (HF) and is associated with worse outcomes. However, the effects of anemia are unknown in an unselected group of HF patients encountered in routine clinical practice in Japan. The impact of anemia on long-term outcomes including mortality and rehospitalization among patients hospitalized with HF was thus assessed. Methods and Results: The Japanese Cardiac Registry of Heart Failure in Cardiology (JCARE-CARD) prospectively studied the characteristics and treatments in a broad sample of patients hospitalized with worsening HF and the outcomes were followed. Study cohorts (n=1,960) were classified into 4 groups by discharge hemoglobin quartiles: <10.1 g/dl (n=482), 10.1-11.9 g/dl (n=479), 12.0-13.6 g/dl (n=487), and ?13.7 g/dl (n=512). Of the total cohort of HF patients, 57% had anemia, defined by using the World Health Organization definition. Patients with lower hemoglobin quartiles had higher rates of all-cause death, cardiac death, and rehospitalization due to worsening HF. After multivariable adjustment, the risk for all-cause death, cardiac death, and rehospitalization significantly increased with low hemoglobin concentrations. Conclusions: Anemia was quite common especially in patients with HF encountered in routine clinical practice in Japan, and lower hemoglobin was independently associated with long-term adverse outcomes in these patients. (Circ J 2009; 73: 1901-1908)
Publisher en The Japanese Circulation Society ja 社団法人 日本循環器学会
  • eng
Resource Type journal article
Version Type NA
Identifier HDL
  • isIdenticalTo DOI
    • PISSN 1346-9843
    • EISSN 1347-4820
      • en Circulation Journal
      • Volume Number73 Issue Number10 Page Start1901 Page End1908
Oaidate 2023-07-26